Aimée is a Usui/Holy Fire® II Reiki Master/Teacher and Holy Fire® II Karuna Reiki ®Master/Teacher. Aimée also uses a different energy, she has labelled, Earth Light Energies which she uses for her custom energy healing work. She is a Registered Teacher with the Canadian Reiki Association and has been a Reiki Practitioner + Teacher for over 17 years as well as owner of Earth Light Energies Inc. Aimée has developed her own healing therapies under the name of Earth Light Energies. She incorporates Holy Fire, Earth Light Energies, crystals, Reiki drumming and other Reiki techniques into client sessions.
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WHAT IS REIKI? HOLY FIRE? ENERGY HEALING? (Ray-Key) Reiki is internationally renowned as a complementary therapy to traditional medicine. Reiki is an ancient hands on healing technique revived in Japan by Dr. Usui and brought to North American by Mrs. Takata in the 1940’s-50’s. This beautiful, warm, loving energy reduces stress and activates the body’s natural healing abilities through deep relaxation. It will assist in healing all aspects of our human structure/light body- physical, mental, emotional and spiritual while respecting free will. The energy flows through the Practitioner who is attuned to the Reiki energy by a Reiki Master. It is not controlled or directed by the Practitioner. The Practitioner cannot take on any negative energy during a session. Reiki can do no harm. Reiki continues to evolve and grow, because of this, Aimée has been able to further develop the quality of her energy healing opening up new clearing and healing process for clients. Aimée had to find a name for these energies as they are not the same as Reiki. She realized she already had the name- Earth Light Energies. Clients will be offered two streams of healing when they decide to continue their healing sessions. Holy Fire (not religion) came to William Lee Rand, International Centre for Reiki Training, in 2014. This beautiful energy is amped up Usui energy. It feels more whole, complete, compassionate, loving, peaceful. It flows immediately through the Practitioner, and, with new symbols and tools such as Experiences, clients are feeling the healing transformational effects quickly and with more effectiveness. Holy Fire allows Reiki Masters to give Reiki to everyone in a group, online and even the Placement process for giving students the ability to do Reiki and use symbols is highly efficient.
QUALIFICATIONS? Aimée received her Usui/Holy Fire® II ReikiMaster/Teacher and Holy Fire® II Karuna Reiki®Master/Teacher Certification from William Lee Rand whose Master lineage goes back to Dr. Usui. She received her Usui Master Certification in 2009 (Master Karen Sarlo) and Karuna Master (Masters Laurelle Shanti Gai, Michael Baird, William Rand) Certificate in 2010. Aimée became a member of the Canadian Reiki Association in 2011 and a Registered Teacher in 2013. In 2020, Aimée purchased the license to deliver the “Reiki Kids” certification class. Aimée has developed a licensed program for Tweens and Teens soon to be released (2023).
WHAT CAN I EXPECT?: Sessions can be just a few minutes to up to 90 minutes in length, but generally 45 or 60 minutes. They are typically held in a peaceful space on a massage table (or massage chair.) You have a blanket, a pillow and are fully dressed. Soft music plays as the Practitioner activates and channels the energy to you via hand positions that start at the top of your head down to your feet, causing you to enter into a deep state of relaxation. The touch is light and can often be above the body. Practitioners work on the front of your body, as well, your back. Anyone can receive a Reiki session!! Earth Light Energies Inc. offers mobile sessions so you can have your Reiki sessions outside or inside your space. The most wonderful, memorable sessions have been conducted on docks, decks and backyard gardens. If you have booked a session or are thinking of it- please click here for a short audio on what to expect.
WHAT ELSE IS INTERESTING ABOUT REIKI? Studies conducted with health care professionals and care givers have shown substantial reduction in job stress, over all well being, less absenteeism not only with regular Reiki sessions but also when they are attuned to Reiki. Reiki helps with sleep issues, mental health, physical pain, inflammatory conditions such as arthritis. Reiki can be given without you being physically in the room. Distant or Virtual Sessions are common and are just as effective as in-person sessions.
HOW CAN I BECOME ATTUNED TO REIKI? Anyone can learn Reiki and Aimée would love to have as many people attuned to Reiki as possible so this beautiful energy can be used to uplift us all. The Holy Fire® II Reiki Certification training Earth Light Energies Inc. offers is some of the most thorough and comprehensive available. Usui/Holy Fire Certification Levels include: Level I, Level II, Advanced Reiki Training/Master. For Children up to age 12- special classes are available. In late 2022, classes will be available for Tweens and Teens. Earth Light Energies Inc. Holy Fire II® Reiki Certification curriculum is approved by the Canadian Reiki Association.
Certification Classes consist of Placements (activating the Reiki energy and symbols) and are a combination of lecture, discussion, demonstration and practice time- a lot of practice time. In 2020, Aimée introduced Pre and Post Class meetings. Aimée offers three certification levels- Level I and II which will allow you to give Reiki to yourself or give sessions to others- taught over 2 days- Saturday and Sunday; Master Practitioner/Master Teacher is a 3 day certification course (Friday, Saturday, Sunday): Advanced Reiki Training (1 day); Master Training (2 days). If you have never had a Reiki session, Aimée recommends you have a minimum of one session prior to class. Check out the interview with Kayleigh Lafleche, Usui/Holy Fire II Level II Reiki Practitioner on Youtube.
Becoming a Reiki Master is something that should be approached with deep consideration and exploration. Yes, it is an investment of time as well as a financial investment, however, the Holy Fire® Master class is life alerting. You will learn more about Holy Fire®; develop your skills and further your knowledge with additional Reiki techniques (Spirit Healing Release work, Reiki Experiences, special mediations etc), and, how to become a teacher if you wish to do so. Having worked with the Usui energies for over 7 years before becoming a Holy Fire® Reiki Master, Aimée can attest to the significant difference in the Energies- not only for herself, but her clients. Check out her interview with Chantal Breton, Usui/Holy Fire II Reiki Master on Youtube. (Note: Pre-requisite- 6 months from date of Level II Certification- any style of Reiki.)
For all classes: Students will receive International Centre for Reiki Training Manuals, Certificates, Lineage Charts and much more. Continued support is offered to all students through monthly Reiki Shares and membership programs. Aimée can teach in any community.
OR LEARN MORE? In addition to sessions + classes, Aimée offers various programs, events and workshops. (Check out the Classes + Workshops tab) Group Presentations have been designed to introduce you to Reiki. These short talks are filled with practical knowledge and resources in addition to every participant being able to enjoy the benefits of Reiki through unique 30 minute guided Reiki Experiences or short 15-20 minute individual sessions. Check out the Corporate + Group Section or contact Aimée directly.
WHAT IF I WOULD LIKE TO EXPLORE REIKI SESSIONS FOR MY OFFICE OR HEALTH STAFF? Aimée has developed Wellness Session Packages for any business or organization.
AND: Aimée believes in continually upgrading and increasing her knowledge. She has travelled to New York and the UK to further develop her Reiki knowledge, skills, abilities with certifications through the International Centre for Reiki Training. Aimée annually attends the (CRA) Canadian Reiki Association AGM. The CRA works tirelessly to support and grow Reiki through the students to teachers across Canada. They have developed a professional association and continue to keep the integrity of this ancient modality. One of many goals is to have Reiki recognized under Extended Health for Group Benefits. Some Group Benefit plans will now cover Reiki. As a Registered Practitioner/Teacher with the CRA, Aimée can provide a Benefit Claim form for all of those willing to submit it to their Provider.
CLEARING SERVICES: Plagued by things that go bump in the night? Renovating an old house and it feels like there are unwanted spirits there? Your place has been cleared by other means but nothing has changed? Trying to manifest people, places, things, events into your life but feel stuck? Check out the Individual/Residential/Commercial Spirit Clearing + Portal Closing + Custom Clearing services now available under “Session”then ”Clearings-Spirit+Portal+Other”.
WHAT DOES YOUR NAME & LOGO REPRESENT: The name-Earth Light Energies…the name captures everything the energy healing means to Aimée. Healing from the deep earth, healing from the light energies of the sun and a higher source; and our ability to heal with our very own energy systems. The logo: the round shape is the World, the mandala is white like Holy Fire. Violet represents Spiritual; Blue is Truth; Green is Healing. The tag line- Health, Harmony and Happiness- Body, Mind, Spirit.
® Holy Fire is a Registered Mark of William Rand & Karuna Reiki is a Registered Mark of the ICRT.
Contact Aimée
for more information or to book.
Looking forward to seeing you...
in Health, Harmony & Happiness!
Aimée, CRA-RT