Certification in Reiki 2023- For Children to Adults- Part One
Reiki Certification Classes…
Students putting what they learned into practice
What is Reiki and can I do this?
I have been teaching Reiki certification courses for over 15 years. How I found Reiki, or shall I say, how Reiki found me is a story in itself. I love this energy and work with it every single day. You can use it for yourself and for others. (For more information, go to the About Section of the website. ) Anyone can do Reiki, any age, any gender.
Reiki is Japanese - Rei (Ray) Ki (Key). The God Consciousness Life Force energy. Life Force energy flows through everything that is alive. The standard statements are that Reiki puts your body into a deep state of relaxation, clearing energetic blockages, allowing your body’s natural healing abilities to flourish. It is much more than this! Reiki can be sent to the past, present and future. It can be used for non-session use- for example, clearing energies around a goal or an event or something you wish to happen. It works on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual layers of our physical and energetic lightbodies. It can clear trauma, physcial pain, anxiety, stress, sleep disorders, other illnesses and conditions. It compliments other healing modalities. It is subtle, but powerful. It can transform your entire life if you allow it and do the work required to heal yourself. To become a Reiki Practitioner, one only has to take a class and receive an attunement. There are hand positions you use on the body and in the auric field. It is gentle, subtle, soothing peaceful loving energy. I have had clients come to me for sessions and then work their way to Reiki Master. Many people become certified in Reiki so they have it for themselves or to use on those close to them. This is perfectly fine. Not everyone wants to have their own business and teach. Dr. Usui wanted as many people to have Reiki as possible. Not only to help heal as many people as possible but to ensure everyone has an opportunity for a better way of life. It’s about transformation and opening the door to be the best we can be. If you would like to hear more, click here to go to my Youtube channel - The Wellness Project- and watch the interviews contained in the #4 All About Reiki Playlist
Misconceptions + Outdated Beliefs in Regards to Reiki:
Recently a Holy Fire II Reiki Master student of mine contacted me to discuss comments she was seeing on some social media platforms about Reiki, as well, some discussions that were arising around Reiki with friends, clients, potential clients. Some of the comments (and these have existed as long as there have been natural healing practices) were about Reiki not being real- its a figment of the mind; it actually causing harm in that people feel very unwell after; infiltrated with dark negative energies etc. I too have had interesting statements/questions around Reiki from some new clients, such as: Is there a time of day that is better for you to access/use the energy? The last Reiki Practitioner said they could not work on me as it made them ill. Will Reiki unblock my chakras? To get to the core of these comments and beliefs, it is important to understand what Reiki is and what Reiki is not. If the Reiki Master has aligned themselves with the purest source of Reiki energy and intends that it be used for the highest good of all, there should never be any issues. There are 5 main characteristics of Reiki. Everything ties back to these characteristics. 1) You get Reiki from an attunement or placement which is conducted by a Reiki Master. 2) The style of Reiki has a lineage that can be traced back to its founder- check the lineage- ask for a lineage chart. 3) Reiki means God Source, life force energy which is ‘accessed’ by those that have been attuned to Reiki. Therefore, it will never deplete your own energy. 4) Reiki can do no harm. 5) Reiki respects free will. I will also add that you ALWAYS need permission, even from the non-verbal. How? You ask their higher self! The style of Reiki I practice is Usui/Holy Fire. The lineage can be traced back to Dr. Usui of Japan and the Holy Fire came to us through William Rand of the International Centre for Reiki Training. I do not incorporate any other healing modality into my Reiki sessions. The other energy work I do, the custom work, has a Reiki foundation. I have heard some strange ‘rules’ about Reiki. For me, there are no rules just common sense. You cannot get it wrong! Once you have it, you have it for life unless you denounce it. Remember the free will bit. Whenever I am presented with a ‘rule’ I always weigh the information about what I understand about Reiki, does it make sense? Is it something someone has been taught under a belief system that came from someone else’s belief system? What is MY experience? Often times when I research or ask more questions, I discover that it is not the Reiki energy at all but outdated belief systems, unhealed negative ego or attachments of negative energies/entities in the Reiki Practitioner’s field. I also have found practices added to sessions that are not Reiki. This is fine, on one level, as long as the client is aware that this is not a typical Reiki tool/technique. As to working on Chakras- I don’t really have an answer to this as Reiki is energy. It has its own wisdom and knows where to go and what to do. We do not direct it. If energy centers such as chakras are blocked, then often this is tied to what the individual needs to work on in conjunction with what the Reiki is helping to release. We don’t rebalance or heal anything- we facilitate the Reiki energy which allows you to do your own healing. Often people are ‘stuck’ . They have tried everything. What might be holding you back from your own healing is you, past you, trauma or other energetic blocks that cannot be ‘seen’ but may be felt. Reiki is a modality that will get into those energetic blocks, past life and this life trauma. The beauty is, you do not have to relive any of it to let it go. When you are ready, the release happens. It can take quite a few sessions and a commitment from yourself to do all the other self care things you may have neglected such as good diet, exercise etc.
When you decide to take a Reiki certification class, your life will begin to transform from that very decision. Check out The Wellness Channel for interviews with Noah and Suzanne- both experienced great transformation on their healing journey. Click here for the Wellness Project Stories Playlist.
What else do you learn in a Reiki Class?
I teach three levels of Reiki for adults and one level for children age 6 to 17. As a certified Teacher with the Canadian Reiki Association, my class curriculum must be approved by the Board. The class is comprised of an ‘academic’ portion where you learn about Reiki, its History, how to use Reiki, learning about energy, how to give a complete session on your self or other people. You also learn how you can use Reiki for distant healing or to help clear energies around relationships, people, events, things. I tell my students it is like the book by Dr. Seuss- Green Eggs and Ham- you can do Reiki anywhere and on any person place or thing. There are no limits except what you put on yourself. I will share more about the classes and what you will experience in Part Two.